EMail viruses have become a BIG
In the past few months, there has been a great increase in the number and viciousness of email viruses.
These viruses can destroy the data on your computer and swamp our email system with hundreds
of virus infected messages. The email worms take advantage of features
(that's what Microsoft calls them)
in Outlook and Outlook
Express email software.
Virus scanning has been added to our email server:
We have gone to the expense of adding email virus scanning to
our service. This will help reduce the propagation of these email
viruses. On Dec 1, 2004 the virus protection program removed 5639
infected emails before they got to any customer's inbox.
However, having the virus protection on the server does not mean that you can go without virus protection
on your personal computer.
Everyone MUST run up-to-date virus protection: Every computer
connected to the Internet should be running a good virus protection
software. A single infected computer can produce hundreds of
infected email messages per day. We have found that some of the most popular virus
programs may not provide the best protection. We are very happy with
a program that is used at several of our local schools. AVG Antivirus offers a free
Which ever virus protection product your choose, it must be kept
Keep your virus protection up-to-date: All virus protection
programs offer periodic updates. This update service is often a paid
subscription program. If you do not subscribe to the update program,
your virus program will not protect against the nastiest viruses that have been
created recently. Some programs check to see if an
update is available automatically and other programs do not. You
MUST make sure that your virus protection is updated at least twice a
month--the more often the better. New viruses are being created
each day. Make sure that the virus protection program you have on
your computer is being updated on a regular basis.
Happy Surfing
From your Tech support staff.
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